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Astrology news

February 28, 2020
Specific features of Mercury retrograde, February 17 – March 1, 2020.
One of the most important features of the current Mercury retrograde is the return to the previous sign. Generally, retrograde usually does not affect everyone, although astrologers like to lay it on a little thick, warning people “do not do this, and instead do that.” However, if during a backward motion a planet changes sign –that intensifies the retrograde influence by at least a twofold.


February 17, 2020
A few facts about Mercury retrograde. February 17 – March 10, 2020
The first Mercury retrograde this year began on February 17 and will end on March 10. It will last 22 days. This is a great time to temporarily take a break from shopping, a great chance to save money instead of spending it. Indeed, many people already know very well that during Mercury retrograde you need to avoid big purchases, with the exception of, of course, of necessary daily shopping trips. During this period, there is a high probability that a new purchase may ultimately either disappoint you, or turn out to be a useless and unnecessary thing, or perhaps even have a flaw or a defect. So there you go! Of course, store owners can go nuts on me for saying that, but the simple truth is that most often than not this rule works


September 18, 2019
Saturn and Pluto change their direction
Also Venus and Mercury are in Libra. Today Saturn will turn direct after almost half a year of retrogression. Before changing the direction, the planet slows down and then stops (well, for people on the Earthit seems that it has stopped) – this period is called a period of static. The period of static of Saturn has begun on September 11 and will end approximately on September 25. During this period the Saturn processes in social life will slow down. In particular, official applications (your applications and claims will beunder consideration longer than usual), agreements will be signed with delays or there will be some difficulties with the drafting of an agreement. Meanwhile, you will feel like to make everything in accordance to regulations and the law, or to set your own regulations and make others to follow them.


September 06, 2019
Stellium in Virgo, 1-13 September, 2019
If you open a natal chart (simply speaking the position of the planets on ecliptic) on today’s date, you will see a very interesting picture! Almost all personal planets, except the Moon, are very close to each other and form a stelliumin the sign of Virgo, trine Saturn and the ascending node, and form a conjunction in Capricorn!


August 01, 2019
Shopping on August, 2019
On August 1, 2019 Mercury goes direct again and also it is the beginning of the new moon. These two facts make this month, starting from the 2nd of August, very favorable for shopping.


July 27, 2019
Astrological events August 1-12, 2019
This year, August is less stressful than July, but the influence of the astrological events of July will last and bring its results.


July 16, 2019
Lunar Eclipse on 16-17 July
A partial lunar eclipse will take place at night on 16-17 July, GMT. It can be visible for people from Europe, if the sky is clear.


July 08, 2019
Mercury retrograde July 8 – August 1
Mercury is the fastest planet in our Solar system and can complete three cycles around the Sun during a year. Thus, such a wonderful event as Mercury retrograde happens approximately three times a year.


July 01, 2019
Astrological events July 1-5, 2019
Neptune stays retrograde. The beginning of July is under strong influence of static Neptune retrograde that brings its special Neptunian impact to everything.


May 21, 2019
Astrological events May, 21-24
Sun with Mercury conjunct Taurus and Gemini (21st May)


May 20, 2019
Amazing facts from astronomy. Proserpina
In 1781 the astronomer William Herschel accidently discovered the planet Uranus, which was mistaken for a comet at first. And only after long observations and calculations it was proved that the strange turquoise object was a planet, that how far from us Uranus is situated.


May 16, 2019
Astrological events May, 16-19
Mercury in Taurus trine Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn (May,16-18)


May 13, 2019
Astrological events for May 13 - 15
This period is highly auspicious both in emotional and business spheres.


April 20, 2019
Two full moons in Libra and balance
Yesterday we observed the second in a row full moon in Libra. This is a very rare phenomenon: two full moons in the same zodiac sign, each of which occurred within important degrees of the sign (in the first and last), which indicates how important it is to maintain balance during this period, take into account the interests of your partners, and listen to the opinions of others. In the first two decades of April, the Sun was in Aries – an impulsive and energetic sign, which is not in the habit of taking into account the opinions of others.


April 20, 2019
Three social planets will become retrograde in April
April 2019 is quite replete with interesting and rare astrological events. Three planets at once – Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto (which is technically not a social planet in a general sense, but is very closely related to social processes in society) – will turn around or are already moving in the opposite direction.


April 17, 2019
Mercury enters the sign of Aries
After a very long period of almost 2.5 months, Mercury finally moved out of foggy and self-absorbed Pisces and entered energetic and impulsive Aries.


Today June 26, 2024Sign positions of planets
Q Sun f 5° 3' 0"
W Moon x 28° 42' 6"
E Mercury f 18° 16' 10"
R Venus f 10° 56' 0"
T Mars s 12° 28' 0"
Y Jupiter d 7° 9' 33"
U Saturn c 19° 25' 1"
I Uranus s 25° 29' 42"
O Neptune c 29° 55' 17"
P Pluto x 1° 28' 58"