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Shopping on August, 2019

August 01, 2019

Shopping on August, 2019

On August 1, 2019 Mercury goes direct again and also it is the beginning of the new moon. These two facts make this month, starting from the 2nd of August, very favorable for shopping.

However, with some nuances. It is better to avoid purchasing heavy machinery from the beginning of the month till August 5 due to Mercury Pluto tense aspect.

Jupiter turning direct and Mercury in Cancer will make you want to buy something expensive, way too expensive to be exact. Thus, from August 1 to 11, it is highly recommended to avoid spending money on very expensive things – you will be at risk to overspend under the influence of emotions or advertisements.

From August 14 to 19, Mercury will be in a bad aspect with Uranus, so if possible, try to avoid buying any electronic devices.

The second half of the month is very good for buying durable goods, property, jewelry, investing into long-term projects (10 years or longer) and etc.

It is better to skip shopping right before the new moon on August 28 and 29.

August 31 is a perfect day for any kind of shopping.

Today June 29, 2024Sign positions of planets
Q Sun f 7° 46' 30"
W Moon a 9° 13' 12"
E Mercury f 23° 42' 25"
R Venus f 14° 26' 41"
T Mars s 14° 32' 7"
Y Jupiter d 7° 47' 11"
U Saturn c 19° 25' 39"
I Uranus s 25° 37' 46"
O Neptune c 29° 55' 44"
P Pluto x 1° 25' 23"