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Astrological events August 1-12, 2019

July 27, 2019

Astrological events August 1-12, 2019

This year, August is less stressful than July, but the influence of the astrological events of July will last and bring its results.

The most significant events in August are as follow: Mercury will change direction- on August 1 it becomes direct again; from August 1 to August 12, Uranus is static, and then it will become retrograde. From August 1 to 10, Jupiter is also static; on the 11th it will turn back and become direct.

This is a significant period! The static nature of Uranus will bring nerve tension, impulsiveness and fire up the desire for new activities and changes, the desire to rid the old and outdated of. 

The static nature of Jupiter and its upcoming turn into a direct position, will give a big desire to achieve success, growth and development. 

These two factors together will provide a great opportunity for commencing important long-term projects! As we remember the partial Lunar Eclipse in July was not that easy. It is seems the strong burst of energy after the Eclipse has prepared the ground for commencing productive work. The period from July 17 to August 1 is ideal for planning, identifying the high-priority tasks, so then you can actively realize them.

Today June 28, 2024Sign positions of planets
Q Sun f 7° 45' 14"
W Moon a 8° 54' 20"
E Mercury f 23° 39' 56"
R Venus f 14° 25' 2"
T Mars s 14° 31' 9"
Y Jupiter d 7° 46' 54"
U Saturn c 19° 25' 39"
I Uranus s 25° 37' 42"
O Neptune c 29° 55' 44"
P Pluto x 1° 25' 25"